September 12, 2009

Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers 9-11-09

Last night was my 30th concert of 2009 and also my 20th time seeing Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers in concert (SK6ers) The old crew got back together after not seeing SK6ers all together in about 2 years!

This show was also even more special as it was the FIRST show on the latest tour for SK6ers and their CD “The Bear” just came out on Tuesday – so it was the first show where it was available for sale.

The opening act was Jeffrey Gaines who before pretty much every song it seemed told us what the song he was going to sing was about and why he wrote it. Knowing why songs were written or how they were inspired is incredibly interesting to me so it was fascinating to hear these stories.

I had DLed The Bear on Tuesday from Amazon MP3 to get the bonus tracks, but then ended up so busy I hadn’t listened to it yet, so going into the show I wasn’t sure how many songs I would know, but Jen and I discussed on the way there that a few of the songs on the CD we did know from them playing them live before they actually made it on to a CD. Stephen also assured the crowd at the beginning of the show that they would throw in older songs as well – and they sure threw in all of our favorites 🙂

A new cover was thrown into the mix – of Sheryl Crow:

A couple of songs in a guy next to me jumped over the row and sat right next to me. When there were 3 empty seats next to me so he easily could have gone in to the middle seat not to disturb anyone. He also was clapping off-beat and that threw me off royally when Stephen had us clap along to Shady Esperanto and the Young Hearts. I opted to record video of the song at that point instead. He also had a really WIDE clap and for a small venue that was just not appropriate at all…

It was great to see the SK6ers again, I think the last time i saw them was on the Rock Boat so it had been quite some time, for Jen almost a year and Jessa – 2 years!

After the show, I purchased the hard copy of the CD to get it signed. We talked to Stephen first, and he smelled my CD. Then we went to Kit and he also smelled my cd lol It’s got to be cool to a see a CD come together after so much time working on recording it and designing it and stuff. Kit also was checking out Jessa’s insert saying how it was nice to see it all finally together. Boots did not smell my cd, but we did talk a bit about the Mets and how sad the season was.

I’m not sure when I’ll be seeing the SK6ers again as their tour isn’t coming back this way for quite a while, but I am very much looking forward to seeing them again – I always leave with a huge smile on my face.


The Bear
Sweet Sophia
Start the Day Early
See Yourself
In Front of the World
My Old Man
Oh Adeline
Big Easy
Satisfied Man
All I want to do
4th of July

E: Shady Esperanto and the Young Hearts
See you later, See you Soon

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