September 10, 2009


Today’s blog was going to be about going to try and meet the Idols again at the barricade, but they’ve all been twittering that they are sick, so i wasn’t sure if their handlers would even allow them to do the barricades before the show, plus I was pretty sure Kris had press to do so the odds of him coming out were slim. I’m not sure if I should check to see if they came out or not… but I am sure I will meet Kris eventually. I’ve met last seasons #1 and 2 and the season before that’s as well…

Instead I’ll talk a bit about Ticketmaster, who saved the day for me today. For a while I thought I was going to the show… but Monday night was told the ticket was no longer available to me. StubHub had e-tix only and nothing was even that great (I hate e-tix, but in a pinch, I’ll get them lol) and the stuff that was great was too expensive. (Front row is nice, but not for $350)

I’ve always heard, though never really tried, that the day of the show good seats are released. Well, I got 8th row in one of the side sections this afternoon – so I guess it’s true. However, I don’t think I have the patience to do this all the time. It is such a stressful experience and you’re always thinking “should i buy this one? Will something better come up?”

Of course, moments after I bought 8th row, 6th row popped up. Ugh! But 2 rows I guess isn’t a big deal in the long run.

Meanwhile I was also.. digitizing books – or whatever BS they tell you you are doing when you type in their captcha. How am *I* the one translating what the text says, when the computer knows if I spell it right or not? Someone must have done it once already. Although, maybe not, because sometimes I can not type it 100% accurate and it’ll still go through. But considering ticketmaster isn’t all that well liked, I guess I like to assume the worst of them.

Soo.. tomorrow’s blog will be a review, I’m not sure if it’ll include pictures. Picture will come eventually but I’m not sure I’ll have a chance to edit them tonight since I do have to go to work tomorrow! If not, pictures will come Saturday. Not because I am trying to milk this blog a day thing to get more content, but because tomorrow night I am going out with the old crew to see Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers. (Yay content through the weekend! 😉 haha)

My scrapbooking is SO behind… I still need to get through July!

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