2008 Concert Year In Review
It seems that my concert going for the year is over (unless I can convince someone else to pay $65 to celebrate the new year with Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers) I have decided to write up a year in review. I went to 25 concerts this year, which is an all time high for me in my 10 years of concert going. I hit my 100th concert this summer. I saw some new bands for the first time and others for the 36th!
The concerts I saw were – Spice Girls, Jonas Brothers (x5), SK6ers (x6 – 4 opening for hanson), Hanson (x5), Blake Lewis (x2), Honor Society (x5), Push Play, American Idols, Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block and David Cook
Before this year I had only seen SK6ers, Hanson and the Backstreet Boys before! Spots at the shows varied from front row (Honor Society) to ‘this is a good view of the stage, but we’re pretty high up’ (Spice Girls).
Most expensive show: Jonas ($150), David Cook ($150) tied
Least (not free) expensive show: Honor Society Toquet Hall ($6)
Free shows: Jonas Brothers 3-d filming, Honor Society oakes park, Blake Lewis @ Mohegan
# artists seen: 63
#unique artists seen: 35
# shows seen in CT: 12
# of shows out of state: 13
Show farthest away: Hanson in Lancaster PA
Closest show: SK6ers in New Haven CT
$$ spent: $1,106.00
Miles driven: 3,095
I am very much looking forward to 2009 and it’s concerts (kicking it off right with The Rock Boat!) but it will be hard to top this year!