Have you ever been on the freight elevator at Madison Square Garden? Or how about on the jumbo screens? I have!

Friday at work I entered a Jonas contest through their fanclub, Team Jonas. For some reason after I finished entering I IMed the intern (appropriately named Joe) and told him “I just entered a Jonas Brothers contest.. and I just KNOW I’m going to win it”

Well, I didn’t win. But I did get an email about a different event that I had “won” my way into. The email was vague and it was secretive. We had to meet at MSG on the 10th at noon, no later. We would see a special performance that would be filmed. and if we told anyone, Big Rob would be sent to destroy us.

We waited in line for a while and they sent us in in groups of like 25 or 30. We had a mom and daughter in front of us and for some reason that is when wristband guy decided to go from yellow to pink. We weren’t sure what that meant.

We waited in another line and then were taken through the depths of MSG to the freight elevator. We got out and went past the Family Room (no sign of Frankie though) and then were brought into the floor of MSG. First we were told to go up to the seats, but the section filled and a woman told us to go to the seats up front they were filling.

First we were in the 5th row like 2 people from the catwalk, but the director or whoever he was had us move to the second row of first row. (They packed in 2 rows of people) and I was right next to the cat walk. You could see our tiny heads on the jumbo screen but really if you weren’t there with us, you wouldn’t know it was us.

The guys went though a bunch of scenes 2 or 3 times. Which was cool because you could watch the first take, figure out where a good picture point would be and take it on the 2nd or 3rd. (As long as there was no flash. If not you’d get kicked out)

This seemed to take forever. Then for A Little Bit Longer we had to fill in the section behind Nick so it looked like people were there. After that, we were done.

All our stuff was still in the front row (we were told not to take it) and then when we went to get it – got yelled at. Everyone on set was flipping out that we HAD TO LEAVE! and I was like wtf.. we just gave you free labor and now you’re going to yell at us? But Kevin realized that they were being stupid and was like “Thank you guys for coming!” Good save Kevin, good save.

Some highlights..
“Fake Jonas” was taking photos in one of the upper sections and Kevin was like “FAKE JONAS!” and they waved. They looked good when they were way up there but later they came down and looked nothing like Jonas.

One one take before they introduced Demi – Joe said “give it up for our friend, snufflupagaus” (and i butchered that spelling, but it was funny just the same)


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