Most expensive show:
As it has been for the past 4 years – Hanson Back to the Island event.  Not including BTTI, My2K Tour was expensive because of all the VIP packages.  Non VIP the most expensive was Carrie Underwood at $99.

Least (not free) expensive show:
Hanson at Alive at Five was $10.

Free shows:
Adam Lambert, Nate Ruess, Parachute, Javier Colon, Hanson (x10), Hop Jam

# artists seen: 88
# unique artists seen: 37
# shows seen in CT:   20
# of shows out of state: 18

Show farthest away: Hanson in Jamaica
Closest show:   Nick Fradiani
$$ spent on tickets:   $2,898.49
Miles traveled: 10,328.15

Top 6 shows of the year?
Jason Mraz June 21
Hanson July 14
My2K tour August 5
Carrie Underwood October 28
Hanson October 31 (Shows 1 and 3!)

Total number of shows in 2015? 38

First show of the year?
Hanson in Jamaica

First show with actual tickets:
Adam Lambert

Last show of the year?
One Tree Holiday

Most surprising show?
Dalton Rapattoni – mostly for the Fairfield School of Rock but Dalton was awesome too.
Or being the only one for VIP with Tyrone Wells!

Most disappointing?
Maroon 5 rescheduling shows with ours being the last one before Adam’s baby was supposed to be born and then at the last minute canceling it and not rescheduling it at all!

Farthest traveled?
1,867 miles to Jamaica

States attended shows in?
Jamaica, CT, NY, OK, FL

Venue most visited?
American Garden Theater @ EPCOT – 9x.

Band seen the most?
Hanson – 16 times

Best new discovery?

Bands seen this year that also broke up this year?

Friends made at shows?

Band members met?
Hanson x3, David Cook, Tony Lucca, Kris Allen x3, Parachute x2, 98 Degrees, O-Town, Dream, Ryan Cabrera, Stephen Kellogg, Tyrone Wells, Dalton Rapattoni, Tyler Hilton, Kate Voegele

Best souvenir from a show?
Although it wasn’t quite from a show – my MOEy trophy from Hanson &!

Longest time in line?
Probably Hanson in Stamford, we got there about 11am for a 5pm show? People driving by thought we were nuts.

Shows seen from the barricade [front row]–
Hanson at BTTI night 1, Hanson in CT, Kris Allen in Danbury, Jason Mraz, My2K Tour

Most shows in one month?
January – 4
February – 1
March – 5
April – 3
May – 3
June – 1
July – 3
August – 2
September – 1
October – 9
November – 4
December  –  2

Once again, October wins!

Most shows in one week?
10. Carrie Underwood and then 3 nights of 3 Hanson shows per night

Biggest crowd?
Probably the Hop Jam.

Any drunk encounters?
None that I can remember!


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